FAQ: CharacTable RPG Mini Tables
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Where do you ship to? Can you ship elsewhere than the places specified?

At present the pledges can send items to: USA Canada European Union Norway Finland Sweden Australia

If you would like to ship anywhere else, please pledge £1 (or the value of the item you want). This will give you access to a pledge manager which allow you then select delivery to your specific region in a more detailed interface than what kickstarter allows.

Last updated: March 03, 2018 02:54

Can the magnets damage phones and tablets?

No, memory and other electronics present in mobile phones can’t be wiped with a magnet, contrary to popular belief.

Hard disks and credit cards can be wiped with a magnet but only at about 6000 gauss which is so strong it would pull your fillings out your teeth. The magnets on the CharacTable aren’t that strong! I’ve been play testing boards for about 3 years with about 40 testers playing regularly, no one has had a problem.

The only issue found is that if you put a macbook air in exactly the right place it goes to sleep because it has a magnetic clasp to keep the lid down and when that’s engaged it thinks the lid is closed and turns off. We might even have a way round that though by positioning the magnets all positive side up.

Last updated: March 03, 2018 02:54

Does the Character Sheet area fit US paper sizes?

The magnetic character sheet boards all fit US Letter size paper as well as A4 paper

Last updated: March 03, 2018 02:54

Can I get A5, A6 and A7 headbound notebooks and A5 coil bound notebooks in North America?

It is possible to get these products in North America on amazon, but we appreciate they are not as available as elsewhere. Because of this US versions are available and will be selectable in the pledge manager at the end of the campaign.

Last updated: March 03, 2018 02:54

Do you do left handed versions?

The OS doesn’t need a left handed version as it can just be rotated (this makes the pad at the top which is actually slightly easier to use!)

The GM is so big and has paper on the left and right and the die tray in the middle so it is neither left or right handed.

The SF and the MN have left handed options due to a funded unlock goal.

Last updated: March 03, 2018 02:54

What size/weight are the Boards?

If you are concerned about the boards fitting in a rucksack/bag, then please send me the largest dimensions of your rucksack. I may add an unlock goal of a slimline version (SL) that fits into a rucksack and I may add an unlock goal of a carry handle+strap that carries rulebooks so it doesnt need to fit into a bag too.

However, if you are just interested in the dimensions, here they are.

Kg	H	W	D MN	0.6	32	31	2 OS	1.2	36	41	3 SF	1.2	36	41	3 GM	2	60	40	3

Sizes in cm.

Please note that these are the European sizes. US and Canadian orders may receive slight differences if funded stretch goals mean that the CharacTables you order have standard US pad sizes. They will not change significantly though.

Last updated: March 03, 2018 02:54

Doesn't the board need foam or cushioning underneath?

You would have thought so to look at it perhaps, but I game tested this with more than 30 people in hundreds of games and nobody mentioned it, not even once.

Another factor is how much bigger the boards would have to be if I added cushioning, and how much more expensive too. Size and cost seem to be a factor for people. Comfort seems to be a concern for people looking at the pictures but feedback from people who have actually played with these boards strongly suggests its not needed. I can’t say for sure that it will be comfortable for you but it’s a lot of cost and size and work for something that you can resolve with a cushion or a blanket placed on your lap. I think they may turn out more comfortable than they look.

Last updated: March 03, 2018 02:54

How are you?

I’m well, thank you for asking. I’m bit tired from all the attention and appreciation, but this is all very exciting.

Last updated: March 03, 2018 02:54

I want to order more than one of your pledges, is this possible?

Just pledge for a single item that you want. When the pledge manager opens at the end of the campaign you can use that to add more items.

Last updated: March 03, 2018 02:55

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